Grease Trap, Liquid and Hazardous Waste

Grease trap, liquid and hazardous waste consists of materials such as paints; inks; solvents; thinners; oils; greases; oily water; hydrocarbon sludges; oil filters and oily rags; waste waters and contaminated storm water; aerosols; fluorescent tubes and lamps; coolants; acids and alkalis; cleaning compounds; photographic waste; batteries; heavy metals; biocides, pesticides; mercury and cyanide; oxidisers and organic peroxides and more.

Hazardous waste should not be disposed of in regular waste streams due to severe risk of harm to public health and our environment. The facilities we use are licensed to receive and process hazardous waste in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

We have recycling solutions for common hazardous materials such as batteries, light globes and tubes, and medical waste; as well as less common materials.

Grease Traps

The majority of venues within the hospitality sector have one if not multiple grease traps which require a regular service as determined by Water Corp. The grease traps we manage are collected in line with the required service schedule and the waste is disposed of via Anaerobic Digestion – capturing the methane produced during decomposition and turning it into electricity.

Contact us to find out more about our Hazardous and Liquid waste disposal and recycling services.